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Bespoke Hardwood Windows, Almshouses, Sleaford
Website Editor • August 16, 2024

Phase 2 Almshouses, Sleaford

Bespoke Hardwood Windows
As part of the on going improvement works by our Client we were tasked with manufacturing and fitting more bespoke hardwood windows to the rear elevation of the property. With new efficient double glazing and draught proofing the residents will find their energy usage reduce due to the much improved u-values that double glazed hardwood windows give.

By matching the design of the existing windows we are able to keep the aesthetically pleasing look as well as satisfying all conservation regulations.

Sleaford Eastgate Almshouses (Formerly Carres Hospital)

A wonderful stone building built in 1830 by Architect H E Kendall on the site of the original 17th Centruy almshouse founded by Robert Carre in 1636.

Legado Joinery along with Carre Heritage were employed to undertake window replacement to the entirety of the property in a phased manner. The windows themselves were manufactured to match the existing dimensions and pattern but with modern slimline double glazed units fitted to help with increased energy and noise performance. They are manufactured out of Sapele hardwood which will ensure they last for many years to come.

Each of the flats had tenants which meant that we had to work in a timely and efficient manner ensuring that the property was left fully secure after each days work, so it was a case of 1 old window out and 1 new window in at a time. We hope the tenants feel the benefits of the solid, thermally efficient windows!

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